[Scriptoris] knot work question

Tamberlin tamberlinofnk at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 14:17:47 PDT 2005

I'm about to start work on a commission from my
Baroness for a Barional scroll.  She would like some
knot work used instead of the more floral type stuff. 
However, there's a concern that using something
celtic/viking in style would exclude those who play
later periods.  Does anyone have any suggestions or
know of any examples of knot work that looks a bit
later period???

I'm either about to be plesently surprised or I may be
trying to do something not at all period and may in
fact make some of the Laural's cringe.

Lady Cunovinda ingen Choinnich
aka Tamberlin

``We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in 
life is to find reality.'' - Iris Murdoch, Irish author.

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