[Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

zubeydah@northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Mon Feb 7 12:03:43 PST 2005

Quoting Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio <chiara at io.com>:

> Please do not be offended by what I am going to say next.

I'm not offended whatsoever... I appreciate advice and guidance from all those 
who have been doing this longer than I. It seemed like a really good idea, so I 
sorta jumped in with both enthusiastic feet.

> I worked very hard to get the ones I have to make the Ansteorran
> Scribes webpage for exactly this purpose. Why are you wanting to
> redo what we have already created?

I've seen what's on line on the Kingdom scribal pages, and it *appears* limited 
in its scope - maybe there's more pages I'm missing? I saw about 20 charters 
total (I'm not where I can view the net, just check mail). There's a few 
versions of a some charters:  I was hoping to do something more broad-scale, 
encompassing ALL charters, AND their source materials. I've certainly used 
what's on the kingdom site as a reference, plenty of times - I've just also 
been hoping to see something more comprehensive. My other reason for the 
project is that there's been plenty of times that I've only gotten the charter 
itself, with the text below that gives instructions on colors and such missing. 
Having a place folks could go to read up on how it's supposed to be done, would 
cut down on mis-painted, unusable charters. 

> We went through a lot to get permissions to post those and were even
> accused of stealing work from others when we did. We had to pull
> some original scrolls down because they did not feel that we had the
> rights to do that even though they filled out the release form and
> sent it in themselves.

Hrm. I saw the notation on the scrolls that says, "This is reproduceable by ANY 
MEMBER OF THE SCA" (emphasis mine)... so I thought (apparently wrongly) that 
people realized that they've already given consent.  If that's not the general 
case, then I'll cease work immediately. (Though I've already got probably 30+ 
unpainted scrolls scanned in decent res.)
> They claimed misunderstanding that the site would be password
> protected for the use by the kingdom scribes only. No one ever said
> anything about that nor was it ever in the works to do. Yes, I am
> still upset about being accused of stealing work via a third party.

I would be, too.  That's certainly NOT what I'm trying to do - I was using what 
I believed to be works created for Ansteorran SCA use... 

I also don't quite understand why anyone would be offended that their beautiful 
labor was being 'bragged' on - which, such a library, would do... but to each 
their own.

Do we have a list of those who Do Not Want Their Work Posted, and I can maybe 
work with those who DO?


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