[Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

Zubeydah zubeydah at northkeep.org
Mon Feb 7 16:38:22 PST 2005

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kimberly Koch 
  To: Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. 
  Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 5:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

  I think this is a great idea. I really liked
  Zubeydah's suggestions, so I think we should abuse -
  uh, I mean *utilize* - her enthusiasm to update our
  kingdom page. ;D

  Always happy to volunteer other people,

Countess Sara:

Here's what I have scanned thus far - these are all black and white, unpainted charters, scanned at full size, 75 DPI resolution, with secondary 2" 'thumbnail' scans:

AOA: 06  / AOA: 11  / AOA: 12  / AOA: 13  / AOA Unknown - visconti style   / AOA Unknown - Celtic style

Baronial 01 / Baronial 02

Centurian 02

Comet 03 / Comet 05

Crane 02 / Crane 04  / Crane - Unknown - Celtic with critters

Golden Bridle - 02 
Golden Lance - 01 / Golden Lance - 02

Iris: 03 / Iris: 04

Kings Archer: 01 / Kings Archer 02

Queen's Glove 01 / Queen's Glove 03

Rising Star 01

Sable Falcon - unknown - Celtic Falcon  / Sable Falcon - unknown - with Dragon & Fighter

Star of Merit 01  / Star of Merit 02  / Star of Merit 03

Thistle 01  ./ Thistle 02  / Thistle 07  / Thistle 09  / Thistle 10

White Scarf 01

Other scrolls I have, but haven't yet scanned:
Iris of Merit - unknown - really big Celtic P - 01??
Iris of Merit - 02

As for painted versions.... well... um.... I have all 38 charters I've personally painted scanned and posted on my website ( http://zubeydah.northkeep.org/scrolls.htm ) , but I am not sure I'd recommend using them, as I have no idea which ones I've done *correctly* - I am not active in the NK scribal guild, so I've not had much mentoring in color choice or technique, other than the kind advice of a few folks here and there, most especially Lady Nicolea and Lady Rosamund.  If they're deemed usable, well, great, and if not, I welcome critique or suggestions on ways to improve.

If the Kingdom can utilize any of what I've scanned, or painted & scanned.... I'm HAPPY to provide it....  I'd love to see more resources for artists to use, and more recognition of the hard work of the scribal artists in Ansteorra.  I'm happy to do whatever needs to be done - just point me in a direction.  :-)


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