[Scriptoris] seeking painted charters for a library...

Diane Rudin serena1570 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 04:58:25 PST 2005

--- zubeydah at northkeep.org wrote:

> Hrm. I saw the notation on the scrolls that says, "This is reproduceable by
> ANY 
> MEMBER OF THE SCA" (emphasis mine)... so I thought (apparently wrongly) that 
> people realized that they've already given consent.  If that's not the
> general 
> case, then I'll cease work immediately. (Though I've already got probably 30+
> unpainted scrolls scanned in decent res.)

That's the case *now*.  That was not the case at the time that Ches was
> I would be, too.  That's certainly NOT what I'm trying to do - I was using
> what I believed to be works created for Ansteorran SCA use... 
Ah, but there's the rub.  I created charters for Ansteorran SCA use, not for
any hack on the Internet to download my work and plagarize it.  (NO, I'm not
saying that Zubedayah has done *any* *such* *thing*, nor that she has nor does
intend so to do.  I'm talking about nameless, faceless, unknown, unscrupulous
people, NONE of whom are on this list.)

> I also don't quite understand why anyone would be offended that their
> beautiful labor was being 'bragged' on - which, such a library, would do... 
> but to each their own.

Because the work I did 18 years ago does not reflect the knowledge or work of
which I am now capable.  No matter how many times one posts the age of the work
*right next to it*, there's some fool who's going to look at it and say, "They
gave her a Laurel?  But that's *terrible* work!"
And, in point of fact, many years ago, one of my charter designs was pulled
from my portfolio, while still in progress, and copied without my permission,
and against my expressed will.  *This was years ago*, and I won't name who
was/were involved.  Sufficeth to say that I'd been looking for it to keep
working on it, and suddenly copies of it, complete with uncorrected typos,
appeared in the stacks of newly-printed charters to paint.  I did get my
original back, but I was furious, the more so because the person was completely
unrepentant, and in fact proud of the act.  There was nothing I could do. 
Eventually the typo got fixed, but the design errors of the artwork remain.

I'm told it's popular with the painters still today, which is a salve to my
wounded pride, but it was still a crummy thing to do, and I remain gun-shy.  It
was the last preprint charter I ever designed.  Another design for which I did
the artwork was sent on for calligraphy, but lost by those to whom I entrusted

who has more Scribal Horror Stories than any three other scribes put together
(just quantity, not quality; I just can't claim to have the worst Scribal
Horror Story)

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