[Scriptoris] Charter Request from Crown

Chiara chiara at io.com
Thu Feb 10 22:06:14 PST 2005

Oh, that is a great idea Lete!

How about it Etienne, do you think they would go for that?

One of the books I have talks about this being done in period, the writing 
along the margins, between the lines, etc. Great book ... wish I could 
locate it right now to quote it directly.

(`'·.¸(`'·.¸(`'·.¸¸.·'´)¸.· '´)¸.·'´)
«·.·*¨`·¤ Chiara ¤·´¨*·.·»
(¸.·'´(¸.·'´(¸.·'´`'·.¸)`'· .¸)`'·.¸)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Elaine Crittenden" <letebts at earthlink.net>
To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at ansteorra.org>; 
"Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] Charter Request from Crown

: Maybe I am wrong, but what about the following solution for the immediate
: crisis?---Keep in mind, I am more of a technician than a "wordsmyth" when 
: comes to charters and awards...
: What about using a Period technique called "glossing" in which scribes and
: scholars wrote their own notes or explanations in between the lines of the
: selected text?
: Since "Rex" and "Regina" are not English words, the English words "King" 
: "Queen" could be put beneath them, like a gloss. This would save the 
: that have already been expended, but still honor the royal request,
: providing TRM approve that way of resolving the quandry.
: Simple enough. Not even the same script needs to be used, just like 
: were in a different script, so if another scribe were to write it on the
: charter, it would actually look even *more* Period. ;-)
: Anyone else got ideas?
: Lete Bts. (still jes' tryin' ta be he'pful...)
: ----------
: >From: Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>
: >To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <scriptoris at ansteorra.org>
: >Subject: Re: [Scriptoris] Charter Request from Crown
: >Date: Tue THFeb 8,2005,7:01 PM
: >
: > My Lord Star,
: > When I'd hear of the Crown's preference for specific charters declaring 
: > in terms as 'King and Queen' verses the Latin form of 'Rex et Regina', I
: > took a quick
: > look at the scrolls available... sadly, there are few with the terms 
: > and Queen'
: > in the text.
: >
: > In addition to a preference of charters to paint, ...
: > a simple fix to this dilemma is to have the heralds transcribe the texts 
: > they read the
: > words...so if the text states 'Rex et Regina', the words will magically
: > proceed from the Heralds
: > mouth as 'King and Queen'; as has been done for Crowns of years past 
with a
: > similar personal
: > preference to country or language.
: >
: > Just a thought, Hillary
: >
: > --- "Etienne de St. Amaranth" <star at ansteorra.org> wrote:
: >
: >> To all scribes, heralds, and illuminers who may be subscribed to these
: >> lists, greetings!
: >>
: >> I was asked by Her Majesty this weekend to "get the word out" about one
: >> scribal painting preference.  TRM Ulsted and Cateau have expressed a
: >> preference for charters that include the text "King and Queen" rather 
: >> the Latin "Rex et Regina".  This should not cause you to stop 
: >> items or charters for which you cannot find a non-Latin titled
: >> version.  But, as you are beginning new charters, know that our Crown 
has a
: >> preference and please try to provide the desired versions where 
: >>
: >> With thanks for all of your efforts,
: >> Seigneur Etienne
: >> Star Principal Herald
: >>
: >>
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