[Scriptoris] Fall Arts Symposium

nweders@mail.utexas.edu nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jun 1 14:05:17 PDT 2005

Hi all!

I'm looking for instructors for the Fall Arts Symposium, Barony of Bryn 
Gwlad, September 10!  I have one class in the scribal arts -Mistress Stella 
is finishing up her Award Scroll class she'll be starting at King's College 
and the possibility of one in the Evolution of the Printed Book.  I'd love 
to have some advanced classes in calligraphy, illumination or history about 
the same.  If you'd like to host a Round table discussion on the growth of 
the scribal college that would be great as well.

Please feel free to ask me questions about it and let others know if you 
know someone on the list who might be interested in teaching as well.  We 
have lots of class space for those classes you've thought about teaching 
but never have yet!


Clare RosMuire St. John

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