[Scriptoris] Stargate Scribes Guild class schedule.

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 10:58:15 PDT 2005

Greetings on this happy day of  St. Irenaeus (peacemaker) of Lyons, Father of the Church, 

On Sunday last, Stargate Scribes Guild held a class on 'Quill Preparation and Cutting', lead by
Lord Thomas atte Woode.  It was a lot of fun, as we tried several ways of doing quill curing and
cutting (note to self: must relocate my pen-knife).   There were 8 attendees in all, including one
from Loch Soillier and one from Raven's Fort - who hopefully will share their knowledge with their
baronies.   Thanks Thomas for a fun afternoon.    For those who missed this class, Thomas will
repeat it at Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium on August 20th.  

Mark your calendars for the next class, tentatively set for July 31st, Sunday.  
The class will be on 'Scroll Design and Creation'; how to put together a scroll from start to
finish.  In addition to the class, there will be time for a show and tell from others who have
created scrolls from scratch (please bring your samples and protypes).    

On September 18th, there will be a presentation on 'Tools and Materials'.   
I have an open class dates for the months of August, October, November and December.  
If you have a class to present, please contact me.   

Oh, and don't forget the upcoming Ansteorran Heraldic and *Scribal* Symposium, on August 20th, in
Middleford - I know I'm going!! 

Keep scribing, Hillary 

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