[Scriptoris] Need help -- not too proud to beg

Tamberlin tamberlinofnk at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 06:10:51 PDT 2005

No design stuff.  We're talking, please don't use
magic markers & this is a diper pattern & no really it
doesn't have to look like that Laural's scroll to turn
it in. I'm doing this to try to get people started who
aren't artists but who are debating trying to fill in
one of the kingdom charters.  I'm hoping to have some
blanks and some basic supplies so people can take
their first stab at it too.

Unfortunetly, I can't make round table or symposium
this year.  Work schedules have gone haywire this


--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> You going to be at Round Table or Ansteorran
> Heraldic and Scribal Symposium?   
> There will be scribal gatherings at both, which
> maybe a good time to touch base 
> with folks about building your handout.   
> Now, Illumination can be a broad subject.  Are you
> teaching an illumination design technique, such
> as ivy vines or knotwork?  Or are you teaching
> painting techniques, such as for pre-designed
> charters for awards?   Makes a difference in how to
> assist you with materials.  
> Cheers, Hillary

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