[Scriptoris] Black Star wants cover art

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 10:14:32 PDT 2005

Some of you guys may have seen this on the Ansteorran list, but if not, here it 
is again forwarded.  

Scribes, you are probably familiar with the lovely covers that Isaac Bain did for 
some time, when Alex was Chronicler - so perhaps Isaac will share some setup secrets 
with us for doing Black Star covers?  Hum?  

Hope to see lots of scribal work in print, 
Cheers, Hillary 

From: <barat at cox.net>
Subject: [Ansteorra] Call for Black Star Covers
To: <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
Attention all scribes, illuminators, and artisans of Ansteorra.

Would you like to have your work seen by the entire kingdom? Then I have an 
offer for you. I am in need of color covers for the Black Star. If your skills are 
up to the task, please send me your best.

I am seeking covers in two sizes:
Front cover only: 4.5” wide x 6.5” tall.
Wrap around cover (front and back outside cover): 10.35 wide x 8” tall.

Please look at a current Black Star before you start designing. Your design 
should taken into account the location of the Black Star header, and the date 
information at the bottom of the front cover. If you are contemplating 
designing a wrap around cover you will also need to take into account the 
text down the spine, the return address on the back cover, and my maker’s 
mark on the back cover.

I have designed a Acrobat template to assist you. It can be found at:

I can accept artwork in nearly any format. However, I prefer 200-300 dpi, RGB 
or CMYK tif or Photoshop (.psd) documents. Or you can send me the original 
artwork and I will scan it. Any original art submitted will go into the Black Star 
files unless you specifically request to have it returned.

Please include a signed release form with your submission. The form (Artwork 
Release Form for Event Announcements) is available on the same web page as 
the cover templates.

H.L. Barat FitzWalter Reynolds
Kingdom Chronicler
Stephen D. Pursley
1908 Shelby Ct.
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 310-3290
chronicler at ansteorra.org

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