[Scriptoris] a resource for diapering patterns for painting novices

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 7 16:53:37 PDT 2005

Ok, I tried to send this once, but my system hickuped, so forgive the duplication, if it 

Zubeydah, et all, 
You are welcome to use my references, as they are not mine alone, but are public domain
information, as they are ancient book sources.  I only ask that you site your resources, as you
have already done with other of your samples.  

The Gottengen Model book maybe found at: 

and the Hunting Book of Gaston Phebus (also a lot of diapering samples) at: 

It's obvious that your interest in the illumination style of 'diapering' 
has really taken hold, to the point that you are enthusiastic about sharing 
your newfound knowledge online - and it's great to see knowledge shared among us! 
Keep up the nice websites. 

Cheers, Hillary  

--- Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya <zubeydah at northkeep.org> wrote:

> (Disclaimer: this will probably not be of any use to those who have been painting charters for a
> while, or anyone named Curstaid, or whose name begins with Mistress / Master (*grin**wink*))
> I had the pleasure of attending some really wonderful classes in diapering techniques this year.
> The first was at King's College, and was taught by Mistress Hillary Greenslade. She was
> primarily demonstrating the specific techniques detailed in the Gottingen Model Book (an amazing
> text!). The second class was at a Northkeep Scribal Guild, and was taught by Lady Rosamund
> Blanchfleur, who, sadly, is moving to Namron. She taught this class as a parting gift to the
> Northkeep scribes, which was very sweet, given that she was mid-move at the time.
> Inspired by these two ladies, I grabbed my copy of The Illuminated Page, and my folder of
> illuminations found on various websites, and started putting together charted examples of
> various diapering patterns, so I would have something to reference, as well as step by step
> instructions for myself. ( I very deliberately did NOT replicate the patterns provided by
> Mistress Hillary in her class, as I didn't think that would be right without her permission /
> approval.  ) 
> In all cases, I've simply provided a single variant - color wise - of each pattern, and where I
> had scans, I've added links to period works using the patterns.   I've put them together on a
> website.  You can find the page at : http://zubeydah.northkeep.org/diapering.htm  (or by
> visiting http://zubeydah.northkeep.org - selecting Projects - selecting Graphics - and scrolling
> to the very bottom of the page to select the Diapering project.) 
> If anyone has scans or photos of their own diapering work, and would be willing to share them, I
> would be glad to post them as further examples for novices.  
> I hope this is of use to those newer at diapering techniques and patterns. 
> -Zubeydah
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