[Scriptoris] RE: Middle Eastern manuscripts and ikons

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 6 15:36:53 PDT 2005

--- gary and misty <dagrthora at yahoo.com> wrote:

> These came at the perfect time!!!  I am giving a class on middle eastern C&I in Nov. and am
> trying to compile as many diferent examples as I can.  If anyone else has such examples or
> locations where I can find them they would be greatly appreciated.  I am especially interested
> in charters that have been done within the SCA.  Thank You.
> Ly. Thora Ottarsdottir (Eldern Hills)

You may need to do some down and dirty web looking for original SCA work.  
Most of the kingdom's have a scribal webpage area, and many will host scribes galleries. 
So it may become a matter of a few hours looking around on those kingdom websites, 
as I've seen a number of scribes doing work in many styles.  
Good luck and I look forward to seeing how the class turns out.  
Hillary Greenslade 

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