[Scriptoris] Western Regional Scribal Deputy
Hillary Greenslade
hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 22 17:06:48 PST 2005
I am pleased to announce that Lady (Simone) Maurrian ingen Seanan Ui'Dunlainghe, has accepted the
office of Western Regional Scribe, effective immediately. Lady Simone brings many years of
charter painting and scribal skills that will soon be shared in the west. Simone may be
contacted directly at:
"Margaret Risher" <mjrisher at gmail.com>.
Many thanks to the retired Western Regional Scribe, Baroness Oriana Luisa della Francesca, for her
over four years of service in this post, and we wish her an artful retirement.
In service,
Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet
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