[Scriptoris] Re: Rosenfeld's Illumination Guild

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 4 18:06:19 PDT 2006

Scribes, greetings, 
Lady Carletta, Principal of the Rosenfeld Scribes Guild, recently sent me the below missive about
happenings at this young guild, as meetings are held around the Rosenfeld area - some exciting
doings indeed!  I asked Carletta if I could share her post with you, as I know there are a few new
scribes guild starting up out there, and this may offer some fresh ideas on sharing scribal skills
in the community and learning from each other.   Vivat Rosenfeld! 

What's happening with your scribal guild? 
Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

--- Carletta da Nicolosi <carletta_nicolosi at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Just wanted to take a moment to touch base with you about Rosenfeld's Illumination Guild.  I'm
> sure Nuala has already told you, but we are coming along nicely with our Guild with 9 members. 
> I have acquired a meeting place at the Tyler Public Library in their Auditorium.  I include a
> 20-25 minute "class" about Illuminated documents, tools, history, etc., then the rest of the
> time is spent painting.  I also have overheads and books displayed to look through on a table
> (what few I have been able to get my hands on).  For those non-SCA members, I have pictures from
> the Lindisfarne Gospels to paint rather than Charters.  The Library Programs Director was
> impressed with my Program and wants to make it part of the Library Sponsored Programs each
> month.  What this does is assures us of a meeting time every month and the Library will
> "advertise" us in their Newsletters and Lobby.  I figure I will touch on a different period of
> time or country each month to keep variety in the class.
>   In addition to this, we have been invited to display in the glass cases next year Illumination
> and Calligraphy tools and pieces.  How exciting is that?  There are 4 floors in the building
> with two floors having an 8ft, 4-sided glass case and then a tabletop glass case in the Lobby. 
> I have asked Nuala for some help in this and I know that together we will come up with a
> WONDERFUL display.
>   <snip>    
>   In Service to Kingdome and Crown,
>   Your humble servant,
>   Carletta 
>   Lady Carletta da Nicolosi
>   Shire of Rosenfeld

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