[Scriptoris] of interest.

nweders at mail.utexas.edu nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Apr 25 14:25:23 PDT 2006

 From one of my lists I belong to -

June 1-3, 2006. 2006 DeGolyer Conference in association with The Fourth 
Helen Warren DeGolyer Triennial Exhibition and Award for American 
Bookbinding.  Bridwell Library,Perkins School of Theology, SMU, Dallas, TX.

The exhibition is a juried show drawn from a competition to design a 
binding for a book in Bridwell's Special Collections. (Exhibition: June 
2-July 21, 2006. Free and open to the public). Workshops: Jamie Kamph "Gold 
Tooling", William Minter "Two Conservation Sewing Techniques". Jan Sobota. 
"Wall Board Binding", Peter Thomas. "The Nested Accordion Pop-up-Fold 
Book". Participants responsible for providing own tools and materials. 
Cost: $75. Registration form: 
More info: 

      John Neal, Bookseller will be one of several vendors at the 
conference. You do not have to attend the conference to shop.

John Neal Bookseller is a really nice place to find calligraphy, 
bookbinding and illumination supplies, including some good deals on books.



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