[Scriptoris] Gift for the Illuminator in your life

Ysabeau ysabeau at mail.ev1.net
Wed Aug 30 17:17:26 PDT 2006

Hi Everyone,
I'm Ysabeau and I live in Bryn Gwlad. I'm just getting started with all of
this. I'm looking forward to learning more as time goes on. 

I wanted to share something I found that would be a perfect gift for the
illuminator in your life. I've purchased ~cough~ too many things from this
merchant and love her work. Unfortunately, I don't wear silver. Sooo:

I thought someone else might appreciate it. It is the fourth item
down...there are others (oh yes, too many for compulsive shopper like
me)...but this was very appropo, I thought.


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