[Scriptoris] Announcing scribes for commissions of Champion scrolls

Sandra D lady_sabine_dubois at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 15:37:32 PST 2006

I vote for sharing names.

Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Carletta da Nicolosi wrote:

> I think it is an excellent idea to announce the Scribes name that accepts a commission. Not
> only will it give notice to others that the commission has been spoken for, but will also keep
> the commissioned scribe focused to complete the work on time. ;D I know when I have accepted
> commissions for the 3 Kings champion scrolls or Bordermarch champion scrolls, the fear of
> embarrassment has been a GREAT motivator to be finished on time. 
> Carletta

Ha! Well, just to state it up front, I would never berate anyone for not completing a project or
for having to decline it after accepting it - this is a hobby and real life happens. Some
projects have to be completed after the event and some will have to be given to another person -
and then, we also have the printed charter version of all the champion scrolls (or we will soon)
as a backup to any original scroll. 

So, I have one vote for sharing the names and one for not sharing the names. 

Anyone know how it's done in other kingdoms that have all original scrolls? - I know there are
master lists, but don't know if the list if printed online or is public. 

Cheers, Hillary
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