[Scriptoris] re: handouts of diapering techniques & designs

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya zubeydah at northkeep.org
Wed Jan 25 05:47:11 PST 2006

I'm still doing some work on this proposed 4 page handout, and estimate it 
will be done probably by this weekend. I'll be creating it in PDF format, in 
full color, so folks can print it at home or at Kinkos with little 
difficulty, so long as you have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.  It's 
basically what's already on my website 
[http://zubeydah.northkeep.org/diapering.htm] , just in more easily printed 
and distributed form, plus two more examples of nifty diapering I found in 
the Visconti Hours last night, that I've charted up.

As soon as its done, I'll post a link to it on my website so folks can grab 
it at their leisure, as i don't think the list allows attachments.

- Zubeydah
(who isn't Kathleen, not sure how that confusion arose)

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