[Scriptoris] Buying Books

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 11:13:14 PST 2006

--- M TURNAGE <ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings Megan,
> >From where do you hail?  Ansteorra is quite a long distance from Australia.
> In service,
> Baroness Ceinwen~

Greetings Ansteorra, 
As Megan has raised some interest in her search for used or discount books, and has now found and
posted to the Ansteorran scribes list, ... let me give a quick update.  Megan and I have been
chatting since last fall about finding some books at Half-Price books for her, and I've found a
few on her list.  The tricky thing is that Megan lives in Australia, down under, and is on a
budget, so if you have a few books to sell, check with Megan and see if other Ansteorran's have
books to send to Megan, and perhaps a buddled package can be sent on the slow boat postage (3
months), that will save Megan some funds... to buy more books with!!  

I'll send a list of what I've got to Megan on Wednesday.  If any Ansteorran scribes have books
that Megan want to buy from you, perhaps a consolidated box can be put together at Candlemass this
Cheers, Hillary


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