[Scriptoris] AHSS handout CD for teacher articles

Steve K. Rourke steverourke at charter.net
Mon Jul 10 21:39:56 PDT 2006

> Greetings,
> Time is tight, but the autocrat of Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal
Symposium has offered to
> collect the handouts for classes presented, and include them on a CD for a
nominal fee.
> If you are a teacher and willing to share your handout, please send a copy
> the autocrat, "Domhnall" <steverourke at charter.net>
> Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Class Coordinator

Even if you aren't able to get the handouts to me in time or not teaching at
this year's symposium, but have handouts that you think a fellow
herald/scribe would find useful please consider sending me a copy for
inclusion to this CD.

I for one think this would be a wonderful aid for any and all people
interested in any portion of heraldry.

Domhnall Dubh O'Ruairc
Event Steward

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