[Scriptoris] Fwd: [SCA_S&I] Re-Request for 2006 KWHSS Proceedings Articles

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri May 19 16:11:34 PDT 2006

Hey gang, 
The following is a request for the Autocrat of Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium.   
The Proceedings is the annual journal of herald and scribal articles.  If you sent in an 
article, please resend it to Kat for inclusion in the book and CD; and if you hadn't made the
deadline, perhaps this will provide you the motivation to submit again.  I know they will
appreciate anything sent in, even if it's specific to Ansteorran guidelines (just say so in the

If you have any issues sending an article to Kat, send it to me and I'll see it gets to the right

Regards, Hillary, Star Signet

--- Kat the Strange <katthestrange at aol.com> wrote:

> To: SCA_Scribes_and_Illumination at yahoogroups.com
> From: "Kat the Strange" <katthestrange at aol.com>
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 14:15:19 -0000
> Subject: [SCA_S&I] Re-Request for 2006 KWHSS Proceedings Articles
> Greetings to all.  Please disperse widely and appropriately.
> Due to circumstances beyond my control, I humbly request that any 
> gentles who have submitted articles for the 2006 Known World Heraldic & 
> Scribal Symposium Proceedings, please re-submit your article to me at 
> KatTheStrange @ aol.com (remove the spaces, please) as soon as possible.
> If you missed the deadline for the Proceedings, but have something you 
> wish included, please feel free to send that as well.  We can use what 
> you have.
> Thanks for your help and understanding.
> THL Katryne MacIntosh the Strange
> Autocrat, KWHSS 2006

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