[Scriptoris] Signet e-mail notification

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 1 10:51:43 PST 2006

Greetings scribes, 
I tend to get a lot of spam e-mail through the Signet at ansteorra.org e-mail account as it's an
automatic Admin. to the Scriptoris list (you guys never see most of it).  Most of the spam I just
delete without ever opening as it's obviously spam, after I viewed the user names or subject
lines.   However, it's possible I could also delete your posts directly to me if you used a very
generic subject line, like 'Greetings'.  

Therefore, please send requests to Star Signet with a more specific subject line, that perhaps
includes 'Ansteorra', 'Signet' or 'Scribes' in the subject line - and I'll be sure to check it out
before automatically deleting. <grin>

Thanks, Hillary, Signet

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