[Scriptoris] Painted scrolls needed!

Lee Lemons lemonslee at prodigy.net
Fri Oct 6 20:24:28 PDT 2006

Greetings unto the wonderful scribes of Ansteorra!
  I am in desperate need of painted Sable Talons.  I only have 2 in my possession at the moment!
  How can you get them to me?  
  My mailing information:
  Lee Lemons
  1910 Westmead #3302
  Houston, Texas 77077
  give painted charters to Mistress Hillary, Star Signet, anyone from the Houston area, TRMajesties, or anyone of their entourage.
  I truly appreciate any help you can give!
  Curstaidh Magorlick
  Sable Scroll

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