[Scriptoris] Fwd: [SCA_S&I] Last call for classes/KWHSS 2006

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 16:53:39 PDT 2006

--- Kat the Strange <katthestrange at aol.com> wrote:
> To: SCA_Scribes_and_Illumination at yahoogroups.com
> From: "Kat the Strange" <katthestrange at aol.com>
> Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 16:22:34 -0000
> Subject: [SCA_S&I] Last call for classes/KWHSS 2006
> Greetings, all!  This missive is to let you know that instructors 
> are still welcome and needed for the 2006 Known World Heraldic & 
> Scribal Symposium, hosted by the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann and the 
> Gleann Abhann College of Heralds, to be held at the Four Points by 
> Sheraton New Orleans in Metairie, LA, on June 16th-18th.
> Five class tracks will be presented on Saturday –  including tracks 
> on omnastics, armory, administrative and practical heraldry in the 
> SCA, beginning scribal arts, and advanced scribal arts.  If you have 
> a class you'd like to teach in one of these areas, please contact 
> Barun Rory ua Riada at DDugga at lsuhsc.edu as soon as possible.  
> Deadline for classes is May 15th.
> You don't have to be a herald or scribe to attend.  In fact, new 
> herald and scribe hopefuls may attend and learn the nuts and bolts.  
> Some materials will be available for purchase.
> Instead of a traditional feast Saturday night, attendees may choose 
> from a variety of the many eateries in the New Orleans area.  
> Participants are encouraged to come mingle Friday night in the 
> hotel's hookah bar and the merchant and hospitality area.  The 
> traditional Laurel Roadshow or a "field trip" for non-heralds are 
> both available Sunday morning.
> All are invited, welcome, and encouraged to attend this fantastic 
> Known World event.
> Hotel:
> A rate of $82 a night is offered through May 31st at the Four Points 
> by Sheraton New Orleans.  Please contact the hotel direct at (504) 
> 885-5700 and ask for the SCA rate.  There is free parking at the 
> hotel.  Details on the hotel can be found at 
> fourpointsneworleans.com. 
> Reservations:
> Adult members $22
> Children 6-11: $11
> Children under 6: free
> $3 surcharge for non-members
> The 2006 KWHSS Proceedings are available for an additional $15.
> Please make checks payable to SCA-Kingdom of Gleann Abhann and send 
> them to:
> Kathy Flowers
> 1034 B Beach Blvd
> Biloxi, MS 39530
> Direct registration questions to Lady Lyneyea de Aston at 
> lyneyea at cableone.net or (228) 435-2975.
> Some of the many classes being offered at this year's Symposium 
> include:
> Canting Arms (Dame Gwenllian ferch Maredudd)
> Silent Heraldry for Beginners (Lady Gentile d'Orleans)
> Russian Calligraphy and Russian Illumination (Mistress Anna 
> Nikolaevena Petrakova)
> Being a Submission Herald at the Kingdom and Society Level (Mistress 
> Margaret Makafee, Pelican Sovereign of Arms)
> Feminine Venetian Names in Medieval Cyprus (HL Colm Dubh)
and many, many more, including Basic Calligraphy, Basic 
> Illumination, Court Heraldry, Practical Event Heraldry, and a 
> Heraldic Education Roundtable.
> Roomshare, travel assistance, and entertainment and dining 
> suggestions are available.  Please contact the Travel Goddess, HL 
> Sarah MacGreggor, at hrldndva at gmail.com.
> Please continue to check 
> www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/kwhs/KWHSWebpage.html for updates.
> Inquiries should be sent to the autocrat, THL Katryne MacIntosh the 
> Strange, at KatTheStrange at aol.com.

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