[Scriptoris] portfolios and commissions

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri May 26 08:58:31 PDT 2006

A number of you have volunteered to create original scrolls for the Crowns of Ansteorra, and for
that I'm grateful and excited to offer you this opportunity.  
However, I have to admit that I'm not familiar with the work some of you can create, so I don't
know best what to offer you to work on, or whether you prefer later or early period style work.  
Hopefully this issue will be remedied in future as our online Gallery grows.

I try to post my schedule of events from time to time, so feel free to bring your sample work,
practice sheets or portfolio and let's take a look. 

The future events I'm available at: 
Steppes Warlord
Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal 
King's College
Round Table 
Ansteorra Heraldic and Scribal

Cheers, Hillary


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