[Scriptoris] Turning the Pages - CD

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 1 17:01:34 PDT 2006

Check out this CD offering... I'm already drooling, 

>    Date: Wed May 31, 2006 8:41 am (PDT) 
>    From: "Cynthia Rogers" wolfpaws at mac.com  
> Subject: Turning the Pages 
> I'm looking through the catalogs I received from Kalamazoo (big 
> medievalist conference) and thought this might be of interest to 
> various people:
> Turning the Pages: the collection	
> University of Toronto Press
> On sale in their catalogue for $31.95
> Digitized images of the following manuscripts:
> Luttrell Psalter (Cool illuminations of rural life and everyday 
> medieval chores)
> Vesalius
> Leonardo Notebook
> Diamond SutraGolden Haggadah
> Lindisfarne Gospels (Cool Celtic illuminations)
> Blackwell's Herbal
> Sforza Hours
> Sherborne Missal
> Sultan Baybars' Qur'an
> Golf book
> Jane Austen's History of England

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