[Scriptoris] Article on quills-was: Re: Curing feather quills

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 5 17:34:59 PDT 2006

Thanks Lete, 
'The Calligrapher's Handbook' by Tapplinger press, has been showing up in good sets at Half-Price
books, most likely a distributers close out, as there were a number of other Tapplinger books
available, most on calligraphy; many of them by declared masters of the British Fellows of Scribes
and Illuminators.   

Sadly, in the US, 'The Calligraphers Handbook' is quickly becoming obsolete, and if you order it
via John Neal Books, who cater to scribes, they have to order it from the UK, and it runs around
$25-35.   At Half-Books if you find it, you can get it for $4-10.   I'm buying up all that I find
and giving them as prizes to scribes that I know will share and teach the information in this
great book.  The cover is blue, paperback, and an earlier version occasionally shows in pink,
though the articles are different some. 

I'll be using the Donald Jackson article on Quill Cutting as my basis for the class at Knowne
World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, and Thomas atte Woode will be teaching a variant that he
learned at King's College.

There is loads of info on the exhibit, lectures, workshops on the tour at Tyler, at: 

Those in Dallas should try to make the lecture this Friday evening, the speakers are top

Cheers, Hillary

--- Elaine Crittenden <letebts at earthlink.net> wrote:
> For those of you who can't go, I found an article on the care and feeding of
> quills in THE CALLIGRAPHER'S HANDBOOK, edited by Heather Child, albeit that
> my "newest" copy of two was copyrighted in 1985.
> The article is by one of my earliest teachers,Donald Jackson, former scribe
> to QEII and director and prime scribe and illuminator of the St. John's
> Millenium Bible, which some of you have seen on PBS. The article is
> generously illustrated by line drawings. Perhaps a copy might be found in a
> used book store? I don't know if it has been reprinted.
> BTW, the Bible mentioned above is coming to Tyler for an exhibition. I have
> no info. Does anyone else?
> HL Lete Bithespring
> Steppes, Ansteorra
> ----------
> >From: Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>
> >To: "Scribes within Ansteorra - SCA,  Inc." <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
> >Subject: [Scriptoris] Curing feather quills
> >Date: Fri THJun 2,2006,12:40 PM
> >
> > --- Star - Ansteorra <star at ansteorra.org> wrote:
> >> I just saw a documentary on PBS about this work (done about 2 years
> >> ago) and it was incredible.
> >>
> >> It is definitely worth the trip.
> >>
> >> Druinne (who is now motivated to dig out those turkey feathers and
> >> start practicing curing and cutting quills).
> >>
> >
> > Thomas atte Woode is teaching a class on curing and using quills at King's
> > College, and
> > I'm teaching the same at Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium.
> > Check it out,
> > Hillary
> > 

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