[Scriptoris] [ANSTHRLD] Update regarding KWHSS 2008

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 15:32:24 PDT 2007

I suspect from the post that this was supposed to be sent 
  to the scribes list as well, so here it is.  
  Cheers, Hillary
  Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 05:15:08 -0500
From: "Star - Ansteorra" <star at ansteorra.org>
Subject: [ANSTHRLD] Update regarding KWHSS 2008
To: "Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc."
 <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
ATTN: Heralds and Scribes

If you are planning ahead towards KWHSS 2008, please read the email
below from Laurel Principal Queen of Arms.  They are looking to get
confirmed head counts as early as possible for booking the site.

In service,
Incoming Star

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lisa Mohr <gulesandor at yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 1, 2007 10:53 AM
Subject: [SCA-PH] Update regarding KWHSS 2008
To: principal-heralds at sca.org

Greetings, all--

The following is from an e-mail from the KWHSS autocrat--

"The site requires 25% deposit to secure the rooms,
non-refundable, and full payment 6 weeks before the event.

(Thus, at ?30/night, ?7.50 x approx 40 rooms, our current guess,
= ?300 deposit.)

Cancellation fees are steep - deposit only if you cancel 6
*months* in advance, and the amount you lose increases as you
approach the date. Quote:

"The balance of payment should be sent 6 weeks prior to arrival.
Please note that no further invoice will be raised, and if
payment is not received 6 weeks prior to arrival
then the booking will be cancelled.

If we cannot relet the accommodation you will remain liable for
all charges.

Cancellation charges will be made on the following scale
? Up to 6 months before arrival: Deposit
? From 6 to 3 months before arrival: 50% of total bill
? From 3 months to 6 weeks before arrival: 75% of total bill
? Less than 6 weeks before arrival: Full amount"

Given these conditions, I think I need a firm number of
attendees ASAP, and a hard number by early 2008, so we can book

Depending on how the site typically arranges payments, I think
the hard cutoff for registration will be 6 months before the
event, ie. 1 April 2008."

So--Lady Genevieve needs numbers as soon as she can get them.  Please
circulate this information around your College and strongly urge
people to get in touch with her the moment they have firm plans.  Her
e-mail is bend_gules at yahoo.co.uk  I will talking this up at Pennsic as

She is currently working out arrangements with the Society Exchequer
to use the ACCEPS system for registration payment.  This will allow
non-Drachenwalders to make payment in our own currencies, a real
savings in money and aggravation.

Questions?  Ask her or me, as appropriate.


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