[Scriptoris] Bordermarch Sc ribal Gathering

Kaithlen Hamilton kaledain at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 18 19:43:17 PST 2007


I truly want to thank Hillary Greenslade and Sabine
Dubois for attending our Scribal meeting in
Bordermarch this month. We had a wonderful class on
how to lay out an original scroll. There were 11
people present including our guests; Elizabeth Evans,
Sean Rhame, Ashley Rhame, Timothy Evans, Beth Lathrop,
David Lathrop, Phocas, Lillian the Poetess, Sabine
Dubois, Hillary Greenslade, and Kaithleen Hamilton.
Thank you all for coming out. I was able to get two
more people to commit to doing a champion scroll. The
list is now as follows.

 Rapier - Kaithleen Hamilton
 Youth Rapier -
 Chivalric - David Lathrop
 Youth Chivalric -
 Teen Boffer - 
 Youth Boffer - 
 Children's Boffer -
 Archery - Lord Phocas of Bordermarch
 Youth Archer - Elizabeth Evans
 A&S - HL Therese d'Ivoire
 Youth A&S - Lillian the Poetess

If you would like to create one of our scrolls please
let me know.

In service to the dream,

Kaithlen Hamilton
(M.K.A. Alicia Hargreaves)
Barony Bordermarch
Kingdom of Ansterroa
Never argue with an idiot. 
They drag you down to their level ...
then beat you with experience.

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