[Scriptoris] Sable Scroll Thank You

Estella Flather eflather at flash.net
Thu Feb 15 15:19:23 PST 2007

Greetings from Mistress Stella Silvana,
Sable Scroll to Their Royal Majesties Romanius and Deanna-
	I would like to thank everyone who is working diligently painting charters
and making insignia for the Kingdom of Ansteorra. As of Kingdom A&S, I have
received 260 painted charters and 62 pieces of insignia. It is wonderful to
see the quality of the items that Their Majesties will have to give out to
deserving members of our populace.
	Thanks to all your hard work we have caught up on some of the charters that
were most needed, especially Sable Talons. Those charters that are still in
low supply at the moment are: Rising Star, Golden Bridle, King's Archer, Arc
d'Or and Golden Lance.
	We are not low on any particular insignia, but can always use more. Please
review the Scroll Text document to double check the designs of the insignia.
Comets, Talons, and Cranes have a definite direction that they must be
facing. Fieldless insignia may stand alone, if there is a background it is
best if it is white. The Crane is not fieldless, it should always have a
gold or yellow background. Thistles cannot be "Scottish Thistles". Take the
topknot off and they will become Ansteorran thistles.(Materials that are not
colored such as cast metal or incised bone are OK.) If you have any
questions email me or check out the article on making award insignia on the
new scribal website.
	Thanks again for all your hard work!
	In service, HE Stella

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