[Scriptoris] Wordfame - Premier Bard scroll on time!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 17:20:11 PST 2007

Greetings Scribes, 
A bit of wordfame for the scribes who completed the 'Premier Bard of Ansteorra' original scroll
and got it up to Steppes 12th Night to be presented to the new Bard of Ansteorra, HL Finnacan Dub
from the northern regions.  

Vivat to Natalia Auvert (illumination) and Sabine Dubois (calligraphy) from Gates Edge for the
original scroll! 

Vivat to Alden Drake for carrying the scroll northwards! 
Vivat to Curstaidh Magorlick for penning in Finnacan's name! 

It would not have happened so well without you guys very great participation! 

Hillary, Signet

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