[Scriptoris] Painted charters for webpage - permission form to us

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 19 10:29:06 PST 2007

I believe the correct permission form to use in this case is the 'Publication Permission Form' off
the Chroniclers pages for webpage use, found at: 
You want to select the last box 'Posting on the Web Page for...'

The 'Publication Permission Form' has text at the bottom paragraph that recognizes that you are
submitting artwork based after the work of another person (the charter designer).  The last set of
lines, before the signature, you can put in the name of the artisan/s who designed and created the
charter; which should be found on the charter instruction tab.  I realize that the form asks for
name and address of that designer, but that you may not have that information.  However, Signet
files may be able to supply that information if you are unable to find the person in Ansteorra

If the charter you have painted has not been approved for permission, it will not be granted for
online viewing.  There are still outstanding permission forms being sought for some historic
charters still in service, and Signet will be tracking those down this next reign.   All new
charters will not be approved for production without a permission form, so just send it in when
you send in a new design. 

The form 'Charter and Original Work Publication Permission Form' found on the scribes pages, under
forms, is only valid if you and/or a partner are the originator and creator of this charter.  If
so, you can use this charter form for permission to Zubeydah for use of the painted scroll online.

Electronic signatures are not allowed (ie. you typed your name in with a special font) as they ae
not considered legal.  You must have your actual signature on the form.  I believe a scan of the
signed with actual signature form is permitted, but I'll confirm that with the Ansteorran
chancellor this weekend.   

Thanks to everyone for sending in images to Zubeydah, it will help her make our new website very
beautiful and educational. 

Regards, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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