[Scriptoris] Seeking your help...

zubeydah at northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Fri Jan 19 07:35:19 PST 2007

Quoting Kimberly Langhans <sarapenrose at yahoo.com>:

> Hi Zubeydah,
> I have scans of a Thistle, King's Archer, and Falcon
> for you. I have been meaning to send them, and keep
> forgetting. I'm posting this response to the list so
> that people can taunt me if I continue to forget. ;)
> I'll try to do it this evening when I get home!
> Sara

That would be  really wonderful!! If you could, please send over the image 
release for each piece, as well - if you need a copy of the release, I'd be 
glad to send it over to you.



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