[Scriptoris] Thank you from the outgoing Sable Scroll

Estella Flather eflather at flash.net
Wed Jul 4 13:11:43 PDT 2007

Greetings from Mistress Stella-
        I would like to thank all the scribe's who have worked so diligently
painting scrolls and creating insignia for the Kingdom. Thanks to you we
have caught up on a lot of scrolls and insignia that were very low in
supply. There are still some items that we need. See the list below.
Remember that quality is always more important than quantity. The same goes
for insignia. This reign I have received insignia that were beautiful, but
could not be used because the depictions were backwards. Please double check
the images in the Scroll Texts to be sure your insignia have a proper
depiction of the design. If you have any questions, I'll be teaching two
insignia classes at the Heraldic and Scribal Symposium next month.
        Thanks again for all your hard work!
        In service, HE Stella

Scrolls most needed: Rising Star, King's Archer, Golden Bridle, Sable Talon,
Arc d'Or.
Insignia most needed: King's Archer, Sable Talon, all woven insignia.

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