[Scriptoris] spam e-mails to Star Signet

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 31 16:07:30 PDT 2007

  Last few months, I've been getting hit with a lot of spam e-mails, some that include PDF file attachments.  I'm on Yahoo, so don't know if the issue is coming from the regular Yahoo spamming or if it's from the Ansteorra servers e-mail rerouting for the Star Signet office to my regular yahoo account. 
  So... if you sent me a post and I haven't replied, it's possible I deleted it.  
  If you have scribal business to discuss, be sure to use a valid subject text, 
  not just 'Hi' or 'Something to check out' or vague or ambiguous subjects - 
  else, you will likely get deleted.  
  Thanks, Hillary

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