[Scriptoris] Fwd: Fox-Tail Tourney - scribal chats

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 1 17:59:51 PST 2007

Greetings Scribes, 
Apologies, but the fates have deemed that I'm not going to make it to the north this weekend, due
to a variety of issues (something dripping from middle of my car to be tended to, co-rider had to
cancel, couldn't get off work early for the 7-8hr drive, allergies kicking up something dreadful).
 This has been a really hard decision to make, as I've really wanted to head north this

I'm looking at the kingdom calendar: 
April - Crown Tourney - possible (ok it's West, but still 'north'west)
May - Beltane Games - possible or...
May - Eldern XXIX - or this one in May
June - Castellan (Northkeep) - possible, have an uncle in Tulsa need to visit
Aug - Ansteorra Heraldic and Scribal - definate. 

So, I'm going to book a few vacation days for Fridays, and plan to head up there... I really want
to meet the scribes that I've chatted with online and see the wonderful works you guys have been
creating for your branches.  

At Gulf Wars, I'll be there all week, so stop by Scribe's Point and say hi!
Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

--- Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:13:19 -0800 (PST)
> From: Hillary Greenslade <hillaryrg at yahoo.com>
> To: scriptoris <scriptoris at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Subject: [Scriptoris] Fox-Tail Tourney - scribal chats
> Greetings Scribes, 
> I'm planning on making the pilgrimage to the Fox-Tail Tourney first of March, hosted by Eldern
> and
> Brad Leah.  While enjoying the day till the Pelican circle, I'd love to spend time with the
> scribes of the region to see the work of the north.  
> If there is a hall or common arts tent, that's where you'll probably find me, please bring by
> your
> portfolios or scrolls to show and tell, say after morning court or around 10am.  Also, if you
> want
> to bring painted charters, we can review colors and technique and see other's examples.   I
> believe Sable Scroll, Mstr. Stella, is also planning to attend, so this maybe a good time to
> turn
> in completed charters and insignia.  
> Also, if folks from Mooneschadowe want to chat about the Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal
> Symposium
> this August hosted in their branch, I'm available.  
> See you in the north, 
> Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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