[Scriptoris] Fwd: [Ansteorra] Scribal Guild Thank Yous for Warlord

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu May 31 10:19:22 PDT 2007

ansteorra-request at lists.ansteorra.org wrote:  Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 00:00:32 GMT
From: "ylwrose2 at juno.com" 
Subject: [Ansteorra] Scribal Guild Thank Yous for Warlord
To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org, steppes at ansteorra.org,
lindenwood at ansteorra.org, glaslyn at ansteorra.org,
blackoakkeep at yahoogroups.com
Message-ID: <20070530.170100.21093.221813 at webmail07.dca.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

To the Good Gentles and Nobles of Ansteorra do I send greetings, and also to the Barony of the Steppes and her Cantons and associted groups

Please allow me this opportunity to give much due word fame to some few folk who helped make this weekends competitions memorable for those who were victorious.

Members of the Scribal Guild of the Steppes worked diligently for months in advance to design, callig, paint and otherwise create the beautiful scrolls that were given out at this past Steppes Warlord. Special thanks go to HL Lete, HL Ciard, HL Nuala, HL Vincenzo and Annwn for design elements; HL Lete, HL Ciard and HL Nuala for calligraphy advice; HLVincenzo, HL Nuala, HL Ciard, Annwn and Galen for illumination. Each of these folk contributed more than just time and expertise to this project, making the effort to meet extra times to get the job done.

Thank you also to HL Lete for allowing us to use a design of hers for the Invitaitons that went out to the Crown, the Heirs and all the local Seneschals of the Kingdom. HL Nuala illuminated the scrolls and (the new) Lady Susanne handled addressing for us.

Lastly, thank you to HL Chiara and Lord Damon for entrusting the Guild with such an important task. 

Please join me in gratitude to these folk, and take the time to thank any scribes you see bent over a scroll. These are some of the folk who keep our Dream a visile part of every day. 

In Service
Francesca Laviana Sansovino
Baroness to the Cort of Ansteorra


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 00:16:08 GMT
From: "ylwrose2 at juno.com" 
Subject: [Ansteorra] Warlord Thanks to the Scribes
To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org, steppes at ansteorra.org,
lindenwood at ansteorra.org, glaslyn at ansteorra.org,
blackoakkeep at yahoogroups.com
Message-ID: <20070530.171630.21093.222180 at webmail07.dca.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

To All Whose Eyes and Ears This Missive May Reach
Do I Send Salutations

While the Scribes Guild of the Steppes produced the beautiful scrolls that were given out this weekend, many others contributed to the full completion of the scrolls, adding the victors names when they were known. Those who toiled with ink and quill were Mistress Hillary Greenslade, Lady Cathleen Hamilton of Bordermarch (who was in the Hall at 8:00 am Sunday to scribe the Steppes Bard name on the scroll) Lady Salvin du Bois of Gatesedge, and HE Ceinwan, who managed to get the names of the Champion and Queen of Grace and Honor on the scrolls, and still leave me time to get them in the frames before the court closed. Thank you also to Mistress Stella Silvana for creating and providing the scroll for the A&S competition.

I also need to thank the folk who sat in the "Scribal Corner" and painted for the Kingdom - Shoki of Emerald Keep (who also contributed foods to the Scribal Tea on Sunday), Galen, Ker Megan of Taransay ( aka Pyro of Elfsea), and Lady Danielle de Marseilles. You contributions to the Kingdom coffers will be appreciated by those who receive the scrolls you worked on.

If I have forgotten anyone, I sincerely apologize. Please contact me so that I may give you due word fame.

Again, I ask you to thank a scribe anytime you see them. 

In Service 
Francesca Laviana Sansovino
Baroness to the Court of Ansteorra

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