[Scriptoris] Houston Area Scribal Meeting

Sandra D lady_sabine_dubois at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 13:17:37 PDT 2007

Greetings All,

Please come out and join us this Thursday May 03 for the Houston Area Scribal Meeting at Lady Alessandra's home.  Directions are below.  We will be meeting at 7pm, and will be doing all sorts of fun scribally things, so come on out and join in on the fun!

Directions to:
10627 Mist Lane
Houston, TX 77070
Way 1: Take 290 to Jones Road (you can only go one way on Jones from 290). Continue down Jones, crossing FM 1960. Drive past Kroger on the right. On the right will be a Pizza Hut and a Sonic. Directly past the sonic turn right onto Ocean City Blvd. Go to the second stop sign (Mist Lane) and turn right. We are the first House on the right.
Way 2: Take Beltway 8 to the Gessner Rd exit and turn north onto Gessner. Turn left at the first stop light ( Mills Rd. ) Follow Mills across FM 1960, past the 4-way stop at Perry road to the next stoplight. Turn left onto Copeland. Go to the second stop sign (Mist Lane) and turn left. We are the first House on the right.

In Service,
Sabine Dubois
Coastal Regional Scribe

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