[Scriptoris] Fwd: [Scribes] KWHS 2008 is in Drachenwald!

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Wed May 9 15:45:38 PDT 2007

Yippee!  London, here we come in 2008 

--- Sharon Gordon <gordonse at one.net> wrote:
> excellent news from Laurel - KWHS 2008 is in Drachenwald!
> From:  "E. Brown" <bend_gules at YAHOO.CO.UK>         
> Date:  Tue, May 8, 2007 11:57 am
> Greetings from Genevieve,
> It's official! The 2008 known world heraldic symposium will be
> in Thamesreach, in Drachenwald!
> Symposium general description on the SCA site:
> http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/kwhs/
> http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/kwhs/qanda.html
> Briefly: the symposium is like a 'heraldic con', where heralds
> and scribes get together for classes, presentations and lots of
> hanging out together. It's a chance to meet some of the senior
> heralds across the SCA, including the Laurel team.
> This is the first known world event in Drachenwald in several
> years, and it's a super chance for folk from this kingdom to
> meet folks who play elsewhere, tap into tremendous heraldic and
> scribal expertise, and spend a weekend in London seeing splendid
> heraldic and scribe-specific sights.
> This is an excerpt from the latest LoAR published by Elisabeth
> Laurel, the head herald for our Society.
> ------------
> "FROM LAUREL - KWHSS 2008 in Drachenwald
> The bid for Known World Heraldic Symposium 2008 has been awarded
> to the Shire of Thamesreach in the Kingdom of Drachenwald. The
> event will be held the weekend of September 5-7, 2008 at
> University College, London. The entire text of the event bid may
> be reviewed on OSCAR; you will recall that it is posted as a
> 'Laurel Other' letter dated January 10, 2007.
> "September is not the traditional time of year for Symposium,
> but this date allows us to take advantage of lower costs, fewer
> crowds and the accommodations at University College. Because of
> this I am departing from tradition again and making this
> announcement now, rather than waiting until this year's
> Symposium to do so. Since this will involve far travel for many
> members of the College of Arms, it made sense to give everyone
> had as much time as possible to prepare for it.
> "I am looking forward to seeing many of you there. This is a
> tremendous opportunity for us all and I thank the autocrat and
> her team for making it possible."
> ----------------------------
> If you want to see the bid for yourself, which describes the
> event as planned, click here:
> http://oscar.sca.org/
> Select 'read LoIs'
> Scroll to January 2007
> click 'Laurel-other' dated 10 January 2007, which is the full
> bid.
> regards,
> Genevieve
> event steward, KWHS 2008

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