[Scriptoris] Championship Scrolls in need of Commissions

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 10:28:34 PST 2007

Original Champion Scrolls: 
  Crown Tourney will be held this weekend, and with new Heirs comes new opportunities for creating Ansteorran Champion scrolls.  If interested in working on an original, please contact Star Signet.  There are few months left to work on these projects, so don't wait till the last hours.  
  Original Champion Scroll’s wanted: 
  -         King’s Champion - due January 
  -         Queen’s Champion - due January
  -         Guardian of the Queen’s Hope - due January
  -         Kingdom Artisan - due February
  -         Royal Huntsman - due TBA
  -         King’s Lancer - due TBA 
  -      Gulf Wars - due March, several prize scrolls. 
  This is a great opportunity to show your skill set to the kingdom, as well as a great service to Ansteorra and the Crown.
  I realize the holiday season is upon us, and we all have holiday happenings, Yule and 12th night revels, Kingdom A&S to prepare for, Gulf War gift baskets to get ready and lots more...but the Crown still presents award scrolls.  If original scrolls are not created, thankfully, Ansteorra does have the charter champion scrolls to fall back upon, thanks to those artisans who created them. 
  Award texts and scroll size specifications are found online at the Ansteorran Official Award Text documents, at: http://scribe.ansteorra.org/resources/awardtexts2007.pdf
  Please let me know if interested in creating a Champion scroll. 
  Regards, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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