[Scriptoris] Missing Scroll

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 30 16:33:02 PDT 2007

Greetings Heralds and Scribes of Ansteorra, 
  I've been asked to advise who someone may go to in order to obtain an Ansteorran award scroll, when an award has been presented, but a scroll was not available.   As others of you may also wonder, I'm posting here for all to know.  
  The duties of the Scribal officers can be found on the Ansteorran Scribes Website at: 
  http://scribe.ansteorra.org/    Look under Contacts and Guilds.
  If the scroll was awarded during the current Crown reign, currently Ulsted and Ebergardis, contact the Sable Scroll officer, currently Natalia, at: 
  Sable_Scroll <Sable_Scroll at ansteorra.org>, 
  It is the office of Sable Scroll that provides charter scrolls for the current Crown, even those charters that were not available at the court the award was presented; while the reign is active. 
  If the scroll is for a past reign, contact the Golden Scroll officer, currently Sara, at: 
  Golden_Scroll <Golden_Scroll at ansteorra.org>, 
  It is the office of Golden Scroll that provides charter scrolls for the past Crown's, for charters that were not available at the time or for damaged scrolls.  
  There are specific guidelines on what can be replaced by Golden Scroll, found on the Scribes Website at: http://scribe.ansteorra.org/   Look under Contacts and Guilds -> Golden Scroll -> the link 'Visit this Page'.   
  It's important to advise the scribal officer of the award presented, the award date and location (branch), and Crown presenting the award, as well as who the sitting nobility was for the court, if known, so that confirmation may be done on Court Reports or Crown records to validate the award was indeed presented, before a replacement maybe provided.  Also include contact information (phone and e-mail), as well as a physical address for the scroll delivery.  
  For local prize or award scrolls, please check with the local Seneschal or Baron & Baroness.  
  Please advise if questions, 
  Regards, Hillary Greenslade, Star Signet

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