[Scriptoris] AHSS 2007 Scribal meeting notes

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 7 16:37:30 PDT 2007

Greetings Scribes,
  Finally unpacked some of my files from the August Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium 2007 and wanted to pass some of the scribal items discussed during the common meeting at the event.  
  1.  Permission Lists: 
  There are two permission lists on the Scribal website.  Please be sure you use the right form for the right purpose.  
  - Charter and Original Work Publication Permission Form: to be used when granting approval to the Star Signet for Ansteorra to use your original artwork for an Ansteorran Award Charter.  
  - Publication Permission Form:  to be used whenever submitting an image (such as a digital picture of an original scroll) or an article for use on the Ansteorran Scribal website.  
  Please note that if you submit an image for the Scribe's Gallery, there is another form to fill out that provides the web-admin. information about the scroll you wish to display, such as what the time period and country the design is from, materials used, who created it, and other information.  That form is found on the Scribe's Gallery page.   
  2.  Classes on Saturday/Sunday:
  I asked the populace at the event if they would stay over a second day if there were classes schedule both Saturday and Sunday.  Only a few hands were raised from the hall of 60ish. 
  3.  Website is in need of more images: 
  The Web-Admin. Zubeydah, has requested more images for the Scribe's Gallery of original scrolls, as well as nicely painted charter designs to show examplars of how to paint charters.  Please send your digital images, most all digital formats and sizes acceptable, along with a web Publication Permission Form, to the Web-Admin.  
  4.  Star Signet is requesting new charter designs.  If interested in creating a design, please contact Star Signet for further details, requirements and guidelines.  There are two articles on designing new charters under the 'Education' menu item. 
  5.  Scribe's Guild vs Charter Painting Guild: 
  Most Ansteorran Scribe's Guild's primary programs are painting charters, with the occasional class or workshop on a scribal subject for original scrolls.  So, Charter Painting Guild's and Scribe's Guilds are the same thing.  If you have a guild called 'Charter Painting Guild' it is a 'Scribe's Guild'.   Please contact your Regional Scribes Deputy for information about obtaining charters to paint, Ansteorran painting guidelines and recommendations, and how to turn in completed charters.   
  6.  Ansteorran Approved Papers for Charter Awards: 
  The three approved papers were discussed and new reams were passed to the Northern Regional Scribe, HL Anya.  Scribes were able to pick up blank charters to paint.  
  7.  Scribal Officers:
  Western Regional Scribe is due to transition at Crown Tourney in October, applications are being accepted now till Sept. 22nd.  You do not have to live in the region, so long as you can support it.  This is a warranted office, so a membership card copy will be required with the application, to be sent to Star Signet with a copy to the current Western Regional, Lady Simone.  
  Golden Scroll has taken a deput; Countess Deanna, will be assisting Countess Sara with that offices duties.   
  Northern Regional Scribe and Star Signet offices will be transitioning in January, 2008.  If interested in serving in those offices, please consult the current officers for information. 
  8.  Gulf War's Scribe's Point: 
  Many wonderful classes were presented at AHSS 2007 and they are welcome at this next Gulf Wars (GW)  I've been asked about the teaching of kingdom specific classes at Gulf Wars, such as 'Ansteorran Charter Design Guidelines' or 'Ansteorran Insignia' - and the answer is a resounding 'YES!!'   What better time to share Ansteorra class subjects with a lot of Ansteorran populace, than at Gulf Wars.  Those from other kingdoms are welcome to take the class, they may perhaps learn a trick or two to share with their kingdoms.  
  The Autocrat from Gulf Wars has promised Scribe's Point a tent to be setup outside the current Scribe's Point building, with tables, chairs and white board.... so there will be more room for classes.  Mstr. Hillary will be the GW Scribe's Point coordinator in 2008, so let her know if you are willing to teach a class (early birds...).
  I believe that covers it. Let me know if any questions. 
  In service, Hillary, Star Signet

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