[Scriptoris] Red Tape

zubeydah at northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Mon Aug 25 06:51:18 PDT 2008

I have to say a big ole THANK YOU to all the scribes who stopped by the scribal 
area at Red Tape this weekend. I had an opportunity to chat with many of you, 
and it was such a learning experience for me!

Mistress Serena brought her portfolio, and I have to say, it was a double 
helping of awesome with some extra awesome sauce on top. She very kindly did 
not point and laugh at my uncontrolled squeaks of delight and fidgetting as she 
allowed me to scan some of her work. 

Several folks spent hours at the table painting, and a number of them allowed 
me to scan their work for the charter library -- shameless plug time: We 
*always* need more examples of well painted charters, and originals for the 
gallery for the website! Please consider submitting your work!!

All in all, the day was spent in scribal pursuits and I could NOT have had a 
better time!

Thank you, all, who helped make it a terrific day!

- Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Vscribe to the College of Scribes & Illuminors
gouache junkie

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