[Scriptoris] Some Painted Charters in short supply

zubeydah at northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Thu Dec 4 09:22:06 PST 2008

Hi Duncan!

I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you at wInterKingdom! I'll 
have some scrolls to turn in to you.

One thing I'd like to ask: If you see particularly lovely scrolls, could we 
contact the artist, for possible inclusion in the online Scribal Charter 
Gallery? I'd love to continue to expand this resource for our artisans...

Also, to everyone on the list, I am always happy to post scrolls that you've 
painted. I have a fairly decent sized update that I hope to have done and 
posted by this weekend, which will include additions to the originals gallery 
and a number of items for the charter gallery, and two articles as well, and 
updates to contact info.

(Mistress Serena, I need to work with you to get information on the originals 
you allowed me to scan at Red Tape, and will be contacting you off list.) 

In service,


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