[Scriptoris] Gulf Wars Open Arts and Science Faire
Hillary Greenslade
hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 1 10:11:32 PST 2008
Forwarded with permission from the Gleann Ahbann scribes list:
Cheers, Hillary
Greetings everyone!
Pardon the multiple posting of this missive, I just want to make sure
that everyone who would like to bring something for the Open A&S
Faire at Gulf Wars will have an opportunity to plan for this exciting
Faire at GWs.
Here the pitch!
Once again the Kingdoms of Gleann Abhann and Meridies are pleased to
host the Gulf Wars Open Arts and Science Faire. This event is opened
to artisans of all skill levels from the Knowne World. That's right -
artisans from any Kingdom!
To make things easy, there are two categories -
Static and Performing Arts.
You can display your item or perform only if you choose. To enter the
Faire, documentation is required, although there will not be any
formal judging as at a Kingdom Arts and Science competition. The
Faire will have prizes to be given.
The Royalty of Meridies and Gleann Abhann will give prizes for novice
entries. The Laurels of Gleann Abhann and Meridies plan to give
prizes as well as several guilds are sponsoring categories for
The Populace is invited to come and choose their favorite entry too
for the Static Display or for a Performing Artist.
Both Meridies and Gleann Abhann are excited to again host this event
at Gulf Wars. We wish to encourage the artisans of our Kingdoms and
the Knowne World to show off their talents and get to know artisans
from other Kingdoms.
The schedule is:
Schedule for the Gulf Wars Open A&S Faire
hosted by Meridies & Gleann Abhann at Bede Hall
Thursday March 13
8:00 9:30 Entrant registration for Performing Arts**,
Display & Static Entries.
Setup for Static & Display Entries
10:00 to 2:00 Static Display opens to populace for viewing & voting
10:00 & 1:00 Performing Arts presentations, voting encouraged
Noon Entrants & Laurel's refreshments
3:00 Winners Announced & Artisans may pick up their Entries
3:30 Faire is fini Bede Hall closes
**Performing Arts Ten-minute limit from onstage to offstage
For more information contact
The Gleann Abhann contact is Mistress Jennet of Tewkesbury at:
Jennet_TewkesburyAT yahoo.com or
artsandsciencesATgl eannabhann. sca.org
The Meridies contact is Mistress Maudeleyn Godeliva Taillour at:
maudeleynATearthlin k.net
As a good Gleann Abhann subject, I hope to see a huge number of our
artisans to come and show their A&S projects at Gulf Wars.
For more information contact
The Meridies contact is Mistress Maudeleyn Godeliva Taillour at:
maudeleynATearthlin k.net
The Gleann Abhann contact is Mistress Jennet of Tewkesbury at:
Jennet_TewkesburyAT yahoo.com or
a&sministerATkingdo mofgleannabhann. org
We hope to see YOU there!
Mistress Jennet of Tewkesbury & Mistress Maudeleyn Godeliva Taillour
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