[Scriptoris] Providing the scribal community with better tools...

zubeydah at northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Tue Jan 15 08:40:57 PST 2008

Good morning, scribes of Ansteorra!

I have the pleasure of serving for another term as your virtual scribe, and 
would love any feedback you'd be willing to share on the scribal website.

- What works? What doesn't? 
- What areas would you like to see improvement in? 
- What materials would be useful for you to have available? 
- Do the pages load (reasonably) quickly? 
- Is the site design clear and useable? 
- Would it help to have things arranged differently? 

Also, we are *always* looking for additional content in the Online Charter 
Library, the Online Insignia Gallery, and the Gallery of Original Works.  
Please consider submitting some of your work.

As well, I generally bring a laptop and scanner to any event I attend, as well 
as all the required permission forms -- so bring your work! I'll do the 
scanning myself!

My eventing schedule for the next two months is currently:

Jan 26 : Queen's Champion
Feb 06 : Kingdom A&S - tentative...
Feb 16 : Estrella War (not bringing the laptop, sorry)
Feb 23 : Northern Tribute to Ansteorra & War Practice

So if you see me at an event, please, come on over, introduce yourself, and let 
me know how I can better be serving your needs with the scribal website. 

It can only get better with -your- participation and feedback!

In guache and pixel spattered service,

- Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
scribal vscribe

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