[Scriptoris] Gulf War Scribes Point building decorations

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 29 16:25:17 PST 2008

Greetings Scribes, 
  Each year at Gulf Wars, we scribes attempt to decorate up our little building with posters of scribal images from books of hours and manuscripts.  Well, this year will be no different, some posters as usual... however... 
  I got a post from a lady some time back asking if there will be a display area at Scribe's Point for her to show off her scroll...and it got me to thinking why not setup the walls with hooks and cord to allow some of you to display your scrolls for us all to admire and enjoy.  
  The result will be two fold: 
  1.  We get to enjoy looking at your fine artwork during the week.
  2.  You get a relatively clean and dry location to store your scroll during the week at work, if you are entering any of the competitions.  (Coordinator sleeps in the building, so there's some security too.)
  Scrolls on display will need to be framed, and have a frame wire on the back for hanging from.  Scrolls will need SCA name and Real Name labeled on the back for identification purposes, only the person who's name matches their ID will be able to retrieve the scroll.  
  For those who are seek a competition for their artwork, I believe the open A&S display will again be hosted by one of the event kingdoms during the week. 
  Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, Gulf War Scribes Point

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