[Scriptoris] Writing Implement question

Estella Flather eflather at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 11 11:42:55 PST 2008

Greetings from Mistress Stella-
  Before graphite pencils, artists used charcoal pencils made by burning twigs of grape or hawthorne in a reduced oxygen environment. Parchment may be drawn on by a metal or wooden scribe, basically a sharpened stick. Silver point, which is drawing with a sharpened silver wire, was also sometimes used. 
  In service, HE Stella

Donna Hufford <dhufford at earthlink.net> wrote:
  Greetings to those in the Scribal Community

I have found that Scribes have a broad and in depth knowledge of all things
writing wise so I thought I would pose my question to you.

I have been wondering if there was anything comparable to a pencil in
Medieval/Renaissance times. Did one always have to go for the quill and ink
or was there a stylus type implement for scribes and artists.

Siobhan (just a painter)

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