[Scriptoris] Coronation news - impending elevation to Laurel for Suzanne Beraud

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 14 15:49:02 PDT 2008

Well, I haven't seen anyone post it yet, so here goes... 

Congratulations on the announcement of the invitation to elevation to the Order of the Laurel for Baroness Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud, Bjornsborg!!

Suzanne, Star Signet, was called forth to announce the business of the Scribal and Insignia contests held that day, during the Court of their Majesties Ulsted and Ebergardis.  After the business was concluded, Ebergardis detained Suzanne, as her Majesty called forth the Order of the Laurels.  Shock-and-awe ensued, as Suzanne began to realize what was going on.  The Crown made an invitation to join the order, ceremony to be set for a date to be announced later.  

Congratulation to Baroness Suzanne, soon to be a new Laurel!  Vivat!

Cheers, Hillary

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