[Scriptoris] Scribes Point at Gulf Wars

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 16:37:46 PST 2008

Hi all,   
  Counting down to a few more days before war, I'm excited!!
  If you get on site early enough to have some free time on opening Sunday, swing by the Point and see if we need help setting up - or, if we're done with setup and you want to start painting,  I willing to let you begin working on scrolls.  :-)
  End of the week, I'll probably start striking Scribes Point on Saturday afternoon, so if you have time then, and again want to help out, drop by...or if you need last minute time to work on a final scroll for Grand Court, I'm sure we can find some space.  
  See you at Gulf Wars.... Hillary

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