[Scriptoris] Article in 'Bound & Lettered' by SCA'er

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Fri May 23 18:30:02 PDT 2008

Congrats to SCAer Juliana Foxcroft for her article on 
'Classic Calligraphy' in the magazine journal 'Bound and Lettered' 
(vol 6, #4) (Artists Books , Bookbinding, Papercraft, Calligraphy).   
You can get a copy of the magazine from John Neal Books (http://www.johnnealbooks.com/) - 
it's a very cool publication, actually. 

The article pictures four scroll images created by Juliana, 
as well as dicussing her scribal participation in the SCA. 
Great article!

Cheers, Hillary / Ansteorra

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